The post-marathon blues

It really is true – after you spend so much time focused on a marathon you feel a loss afterwards.  Sure you just completed a MARATHON, but what do you do with all the free time? In the months leading up to it so much time was spent training, mentally preparing, and just overall thinking about the race – then one day its over.  I was lucky enough to head to the Caribbean on vacation after mine, but once I returned home I definitely had some blues.  I was so set on planning my day around runs, I had no idea what to do with my spare time.  I took two weeks off of running and I think it was totally needed.  My body was drained, emotionally I was drained.  Even when I started back up, running felt a little weird at first.  After the two weeks off, I took to running every other day at first and really got back into it slow.  Now that we are about a month out from it, I am feeling refreshed and ready to go.  Here are some things I did to pass the time and focus on during my running downtime.

  • Walking – my dog loved this.  I upped my walking distances with my dog, which allowed me to get out and get moving without running.  I feel like our normal routine of morning and night walks got shortened because I needed more time to run and cross train.  Getting back on a schedule with the two daily walks has stuck even when I am back running.  Added bonus of keeping my legs loose!

  • Evaluate – I did a really good job of adding upper body strength training in during my marathon training with Barry’s Bootcamp double floor.  I was so focused on just following my schedule and coming back from injury, I feel I neglected strength training on my legs.  I use to incorporate Orange Theory into my training and that gave me the leg cross training I needed.  I decided that I am not going to shy away from working the legs and have added Barry’s back in with the treadmill work and F45.  I love F45 – it doesn’t involve running, but I can still get my cardio in.  Not to mention its literally across the street! Check them out if you are unfamiliar.

  • Planning – I worked out my racing schedule through the end of the year and added a bit more variety in.  I want to get my speed back in the 5k and really bring down my half time.  I spent a lot of time researching races and determining which races would be best for my goals.  For instance, 5ks where there is a net downhill to get some quick ones in, local half marathon that will challenge me with hills, marathon that is known to be super fast and get people their PR, BQ, etc.  I ordered a brand new training journal to start the next chapter. I had some room left in the other one, but I felt like fresh training cycle, fresh journal!

  • Go on Adventures – There are so many hiking trails around me.  I feel like I get lazy with discovering new places to hike, run, etc and just stick to the roads.  With the nice spring weather here in Atlanta, I am trying to discover a new place to hike every two weeks.  Double bonus when it can involve my dog Teddy and he can be off the leash and roam free.

  • Got my Friday nights back – My long runs always fell on Saturday, which I planned, but usually made for a boring Friday night.  It was super exciting to head to happy hour before dinner and have some adult beverages.  I know that sounds stupid, but I had eliminated all alcohol the month leading up to the marathon.  It was nice to go into a weekend without dwelling on a long run.  {I am excited to get back to the Saturday long runs though 🙂 }

I think spending a lot of time reflecting and planning helped me move past the abyss that is recovering after a marathon.  I don’t think there is a right amount of time to recover, its definitely different for everyone.  I know I took the right amount of time for me because I am hungry again for new goals.  Don’t compare your recovery to others, it can drive you crazy and won’t set you up for success on the next cycle.


Strong Runner Chicks - Podcast Part 2


Miami Marathon Recap